Through simple elements, the “Variations” translate a protocol of exhaustion. A protocol often invoked by Gilles Barbier. These small formats, worked with fine pen on paper, ensure rapid execution. Here, the island, as a promise of territory, and the traces in the sky, signs of mysterious migrations.
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #1, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #1, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #2, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #2, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #3, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #3, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #4, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #4, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #5, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #5, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #6, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #6, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #7, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #7, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #8, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #8, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #9, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #9, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #10, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #10, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #11, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm-11
“Variations sur une île et des traces dans le ciel” #11, 2024. Encre sur papier. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #12, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations sur une île et des traces dans le ciel” #12, 2024. Encre sur papier. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #13, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations sur une île et des traces dans le ciel” #13, 2024. Encre sur papier. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #14, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations sur une île et des traces dans le ciel” #14, 2024. Encre sur papier. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #15, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations sur une île et des traces dans le ciel” #15, 2024. Encre sur papier. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #16, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations sur une île et des traces dans le ciel” #16, 2024. Encre sur papier. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #17, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations sur une île et des traces dans le ciel” #17, 2024. Encre sur papier. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #18, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations sur une île et des traces dans le ciel” #18, 2024. Encre sur papier. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #19, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations sur une île et des traces dans le ciel” #19, 2024. Encre sur papier. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #20, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations sur une île et des traces dans le ciel” #22, 2024. Encre sur papier. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #21, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations sur une île et des traces dans le ciel” #20, 2024. Encre sur papier. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #22, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations sur une île et des traces dans le ciel” #22, 2024. Encre sur papier. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations on an island and traces in the sky” #23, 2024. Ink on paper. 11 x 16 cm
“Variations sur une île et des traces dans le ciel” #19, 2024. Encre sur papier. 11 x 16 cm