Sculptures 1992 – 2000 (selection).
Between 1992 and 2000, Gilles Barbier, a graduate of the Luminy Fine Art school (Marseille), began to develop his vocabulary and lay down the main lines of his artistic reflection. He formalized his first Game of Life which literally exploded his relationship to art, work, method and the artist’s identity.
We see The “Pawns”and “Inhabiting” series taking shape (Locataire Mobilier [Furniture Tenant], Inhabiting Painting), the Clones… With his “Sculptures Pauvres” (Poor Sculptures), body and language are brought to bear in summary stagings, while with Planqué dans l’Atelier [Hidden in the Studio] it’s a treasure hunt with the spectator. The audience’s complicity is once again called upon in Reality Correctors.
From the very first years, the studio became the artist’s playground. This consecrated space becomes the place where anything is possible! Cobbled-together installations, expeditious stagings and ephemeral sculptures rub shoulders with meticulous, rigorous daily work in a ballet where disorientation seems to be the driving force. But the circulation of energies, which Gilles Barbier first staged with a work like La Ruée vers l’Or [Gold Rush], became the central element of his artistic device.
The “ Game of Life ” device, 1992, in the studio. A veritable detonator, this methodology that the artist put in place would play a central and decisive role in the evolution and emancipation of his work.
The “ Game of Life ” device, 1992, in the studio. A veritable detonator, this methodology that the artist put in place would play a central and decisive role in the evolution and emancipation of his work.
“ Terror Hunt ”, 1992. Homemade battery, small metal poles, electrical system, wood, various objects. Variable dimensions.
“ Terror Hunt ”, 1992. Homemade battery, small metal poles, electrical system, wood, various objects. Variable dimensions.
“The Gold Rush”, 1992. Homemade battery, electrical system, light bulb and miscellaneous objects. Variable dimensions.
“The Gold Rush”, 1992. Homemade battery, electrical system, light bulb and miscellaneous objects. Variable dimensions.
“Institutional Sculpture”, 1992. Wood. 235 x 345 x 110 cm.
“Institutional Sculpture”, 1992. Wood. 235 x 345 x 110 cm.
“ Poor Sculptures (Elevation)”, 1993 – 1994. Photo B&W, 35 x 23 cm.
“ Poor Sculptures (Elevation)”, 1993 – 1994. Photo B&W, 35 x 23 cm.
“ Poor Sculptures (total art) ”, 1993 – 1994. Photo B&W, 35 x 23 cm.
“ Poor Sculptures (total art) ”, 1993 – 1994. Photo B&W, 35 x 23 cm.
“ Poor Sculptures (Liberation)”, 1993 – 1994. Photo B&W, 35 x 23 cm.
“ Poor Sculptures (Liberation)”, 1993 – 1994. Photo B&W, 35 x 23 cm.
“ Poor Sculptures (Liberation #2)”, 1993 – 1994. Photo B&W, 35 x 23 cm.
“ Poor Sculptures (Liberation #2)”, 1993 – 1994. Photo B&W, 35 x 23 cm.
“ Poor Sculptures (the siesta)”, 1993 – 1994. Photo B&W, 35 x 23 cm.
“ Poor Sculptures (the siesta)”, 1993 – 1994. Photo B&W, 35 x 23 cm.
“ Poor Sculptures (oblivion)”, 1993 – 1994. Photo B&W, 35 x 23 cm.
“ Poor Sculptures (oblivion)”, 1993 – 1994. Photo B&W, 35 x 23 cm.
“ Poor Sculptures (the prodigal son)”, 1993 – 1994. Photo B&W, 35 x 23 cm.
“ Poor Sculptures (the prodigal son)”, 1993 – 1994. Photo B&W, 35 x 23 cm.
“ Poor Sculptures (Censorship)”, 1993 – 1994. Photo B&W, 35 x 23 cm.
“ Poor Sculptures (Censorship)”, 1993 – 1994. Photo B&W, 35 x 23 cm.
“ Poor Sculptures (murmurs)”, 1993 – 1994. Photo B&W, 35 x 23 cm.
“ Poor Sculptures (murmurs)”, 1993 – 1994. Photo B&W, 35 x 23 cm.
“‘Poor Sculptures’ (traduttore traditore)”, 1993 – 1994. Photo B&W, 35 x 23 cm.
“‘Poor Sculptures’ (traduttore traditore)”, 1993 – 1994. Photo B&W, 35 x 23 cm.
“ Poor Sculptures (the woman) ”, 1993 – 1994. Photo B&W, 35 x 23 cm.
“ Poor Sculptures (the woman) ”, 1993 – 1994. Photo B&W, 35 x 23 cm.
“ Poor Sculptures (Silence)”, 1993 – 1994. Photo B&W, 35 x 23 cm.
“ Poor Sculptures (Silence)”, 1993 – 1994. Photo B&W, 35 x 23 cm.
“Locataire Mobilier” (a chair on a table), 1993. Wood, metal and paint. 152 x 110 x 65 cm.
“Locataire Mobilier” (a chair on a table), 1993. Wood, metal and paint. 152 x 110 x 65 cm.
“ Electrogenous Habitat ”, 1993-1994. Mixed media and variable dimensions. Collection Publique – FRAC SUD – Citée de l’Art Contemporain.
“ Electrogenous Habitat ”, 1993-1994. Mixed media and variable dimensions. Collection Publique – FRAC SUD – Citée de l’Art Contemporain.
“ Electrogenous Habitat ”, 1993-1994. Mixed media and variable dimensions. Collection Publique – FRAC SUD – Citée de l’Art Contemporain.
“ Electrogenous Habitat ”, 1993-1994. Mixed media and variable dimensions. Collection Publique – FRAC SUD – Citée de l’Art Contemporain.
“Traces of Conversation”, 1994, studio view. Painted resin, variable dimensions. (Work destroyed).
“Traces of Conversation”, 1994, studio view. Painted resin, variable dimensions. (Work destroyed).
“Traces of Conversation”, 1994, studio view. Painted resin, variable dimensions. (Work destroyed).
“Traces of Conversation”, 1994, studio view. Painted resin, variable dimensions. (Work destroyed).
« The Tender Foot », 1994. Tech. mixte et dim. Variable.
« The Tender Foot », 1994. Tech. mixte et dim. Variable.
“”How to Better Guide Our Daily Lives”, 1994- 1995. 4 wax pawns (105 cm high), checkerboard and movement operator. Variable dimensions. (Private coll. on deposit at MAMVP).
“”How to Better Guide Our Daily Lives”, 1994- 1995. 4 wax pawns (105 cm high), checkerboard and movement operator. Variable dimensions. (Private coll. on deposit at MAMVP).
“The strike. Work in progress since 1995. Figurines, paper slogans, variable dimensions.
“The strike. Work in progress since 1995. Figurines, paper slogans, variable dimensions.
“ I had Something to Say…”, 1995. Wax, resin, clothes, wood, chairs. 180 x 100 x 130 cm.
“ I had Something to Say…”, 1995. Wax, resin, clothes, wood, chairs. 180 x 100 x 130 cm.
“La Maquette du Reproducteur”, 1995. Mixed media. 193 x 272 x 231 cm. Collection Publique- FRAC Corse – La Citadelle – Corte (Work destroyed in the FRAC fire of 2001).
“La Maquette du Reproducteur”, 1995. Mixed media. 193 x 272 x 231 cm. Collection Publique- FRAC Corse – La Citadelle – Corte (Work destroyed in the FRAC fire of 2001).
“Hidden in the Studio”, 1995-1996. Photograph. 100 x 150 cm.
“Hidden in the Studio”, 1995-1996. Photograph. 100 x 150 cm.
“ hidden in the studio ”, 1995-1996. Miscellaneous object and hidden character. Photographic trace.
“ hidden in the studio ”, 1995-1996. Miscellaneous object and hidden character. Photographic trace.
“ hidden in the studio ”, 1995-1996. Miscellaneous object and hidden character. Photographic trace.
“ hidden in the studio ”, 1995-1996. Miscellaneous object and hidden character. Photographic trace.
“What we were promised and never got”, 1996. Acrylic wadding and metal. 320 x 120 x120 cm.
“What we were promised and never got”, 1996. Acrylic wadding and metal. 320 x 120 x120 cm.
“The Brain of Man”, 1997. Reality correctors and mixer. Variable dimensions.
“The Brain of Man”, 1997. Reality correctors and mixer. Variable dimensions.
“ Under Table Sculpture ”, 1998. Mixed media and variable dimensions.
“ Under Table Sculpture ”, 1998. Mixed media and variable dimensions.
“The Doctor’s Experiments”, 1998. Mixed media. 230 x 150 x 130 cm.
“The Doctor’s Experiments”, 1998. Mixed media. 230 x 150 x 130 cm.
“The Doctor’s Experiments”, 1998. Mixed media. 230 x 150 x 130 cm.
“The Doctor’s Experiments”, 1998. Mixed media. 230 x 150 x 130 cm.
“ The spaceship ”, 1999. Installation in Cahors as part of the “Extra et Ordinaire” exhibition, Printemps de Cahors, curated by Christine Macel Macel.
“ The spaceship ”, 1999. Installation in Cahors as part of the “Extra et Ordinaire” exhibition, Printemps de Cahors, curated by Christine Macel Macel.
“ The spaceship ”, 1999. Installation in Cahors as part of the “Extra et Ordinaire” exhibition, Printemps de Cahors, curated by Christine Macel Macel.
“ The spaceship ”, 1999. Installation in Cahors as part of the “Extra et Ordinaire” exhibition, Printemps de Cahors, curated by Christine Macel Macel.
“ The spaceship ”, 1999. Installation in Cahors as part of the “Extra et Ordinaire” exhibition, Printemps de Cahors, curated by Christine Macel Macel.
“ The spaceship ”, 1999. Installation in Cahors as part of the “Extra et Ordinaire” exhibition, Printemps de Cahors, curated by Christine Macel Macel.
“ The spaceship ”, 1999. Installation in Cahors as part of the “Extra et Ordinaire” exhibition, Printemps de Cahors, curated by Christine Macel Macel.
“ The spaceship ”, 1999. Installation in Cahors as part of the “Extra et Ordinaire” exhibition, Printemps de Cahors, curated by Christine Macel Macel.
“The Dragster”, 1999. Reality correctors and various objects. Photographic trace.
“The Dragster”, 1999. Reality correctors and various objects. Photographic trace.
“Pornocity”, 1999. Wood, resin, synthetic grass. 220 x 145 x 135 cm.
“Pornocity”, 1999. Wood, resin, synthetic grass. 220 x 145 x 135 cm.
“Concert Autistique”, 1999. 10 masques en feutre, système sonore. Dim. variable.
“Concert Autistique”, 1999. 10 masques en feutre, système sonore. Dim. variable.
”Picnic by the Path“, 1999. Mixed media and variable dimensions.
”Picnic by the Road“”, 1999. Mixed media and variable dimensions.
”Picnic by the Path”, 1999. Mixed media and variable dimensions.
”Picnic by the Road“”, 1999. Mixed media and variable dimensions.
“ Ephemeral studio sculpture (”Immigration candidate – the glue“)”, 2000. Various objects, acrylic wadding and neon. Trace
“ Ephemeral studio sculpture (”Immigration candidate – the glue“)”, 2000. Various objects, acrylic wadding and neon. Trace photographique.