Cauldrons, 2010.
Gilles had bought three large copper cauldrons. Two of them were destined for the sculptures being worked on in the studio, the third was lying around. He started sketching it in his notebooks, with lots of stuff in it. He then reworked these sketches on large formats. He often works like that, by trial and error. Then he said to me: I think what I like best are the reflections of the Studio on the belly of the cauldron. That’s where the real soup is, in the moist fish eye where all that vanity begins to dissolve. .
For some time, he walked the cauldron around the studio in search of his “Soups“.
Catherine Pinatel.
“Natural Soup”, 2010. Posca® on polyester. 183 x 120 cm.
“Natural Soup”, 2010. Posca® on polyester. 183 x 120 cm.
gilles-barbier-“Natural Soup”, 2010. Posca® on polyester. 183 x 120 cm.-dessins-8
“Natural Soup”, 2010. Posca® on polyester. 183 x 120 cm.
“Natural Soup”, 2010. Posca® on polyester. 183 x 120 cm.
“Natural Soup”, 2010. Posca® on polyester. 183 x 120 cm.
“Natural Soup”, 2010. Posca® on polyester. 183 x 120 cm.
“Natural Soup”, 2010. Posca® on polyester. 183 x 120 cm.
“Natural Soup”, 2010. Posca® on polyester. 183 x 120 cm.
“Natural Soup”, 2010. Posca® on polyester. 183 x 120 cm.
“Natural Soup”, 2010. Posca® on polyester. 183 x 120 cm.
“Natural Soup”, 2010. Posca® on polyester. 183 x 120 cm.
“Natural Soup”, 2010. Posca® on polyester. 183 x 120 cm.
“Natural Soup”, 2010. Posca® on polyester. 183 x 120 cm.
“Natural Soup”, 2010. Posca® on polyester. 112 x 105 cm.
“Natural Soup”, 2010. Posca® on polyester. 112 x 105 cm.